Today, the EIPA – European Institute of Public Administration held its hearing for the EPSA – European Public Sector Award, which recognises excellence in the public sector.
Congratulations! Won! »Vienna provides space« was selected from 126 projects from all over the EU.
The decision was announced at the beginning of December
The City of Vienna has submitted »Vienna provides space« for the EPSA and has been shortlisted. For the selection of the winning project, EIPA organised hearings to which »Stakeholders & Beneficiaries« were to be invited in order to get the different perspectives and especially how the project affects them.
As co-organiser of the »Vienna provides space« workshop, I was invited to speak as a curator, activist and facilitator for co-creation in public space, for the civil society perspective, to tell more about the background of the workshop and the inclusion of initiatives. This workshop was an important building block in the preparation of the #kommraus Forum Public Space in 2019. Furthermore, Werner Lienhart, Graz University of Technology – Institute for Engineering Geodesy and Measurement Systems, was invited for the research perspective and Clemens Wasner, Managing Director of EnliteAI, for the business perspective.
On the one hand, the aim was to show that the City of Vienna was in the process of simplifying the approval process for events in public spaces, that is on streets and squares – as part of their overall strategy to support and enable lively neighbourhoods. And, on the other hand, to use the BETA phase of the project to use the perspective, ideas and suggestions of the future users, the initiatives, for further development.
The mutual trust, Timon Jakli being the link to representatives of the City of Vienna and Beatrice Stude being the link to initiatives, created a safe space for real conversations. And, that department leaders took part in it as an appreciation of the people from initiatives who participated in the workshop in their spare time.
Beatrice Stude at the Hearing for the EPSA
I am very pleased to have been invited to support the City of Vienna in this hearing. I keep my fingers crossed for the City of Vienna to be chosen for the EPSA! And I look forward to create further workshops between initiatives and the City of Vienna to keep the conversations running and to co-create excellent services for the city and the people who live here.